
  • Release date : Jul 23 2018 - 13:29
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Certification endorsement to 13 Emergency Medicine Specialist from AP-HP Paris Hospital

On Sunday, April 29, 2018, the graduation ceremony for Iranian Emergency Medicine Specialist who completed  a short course at AP-HP hospital was held at the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in the presence of Dr. Asadi-Lari, Acting Minister of International Affairs at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Ziaie, Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs at SBUMS, Dr. Faizi, Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs at SBUMS, members of the French Embassy including Mr. Bonté, Technical Attaché and scientist and other members of the university were also present.


After passing the words of welcome, Dr. Faizi detailed the missions of the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs at the national level by specifying on the development of international collaborations and its associated influence on the internationalization of the university.

In addition Dr. Ziaie mentioned the memorandum of understanding signed with the medical university Paris 5 (René Descartes) and wished the participation of all the universities of the country to take advantage of the potentials of this agreement.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 61356